Book Giveaway

For the new year I'll be giving away my favorite YA book of 2009, Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver to one of my lucky blog followers! This is the most original werewolf story I've ever read. Maggie's take on the legend is completely original and her writing style is very refreshing and magnetic. You will be sucked into this book!

Here's how it will work: I must reach thirty blog followers before the drawing will commence. The winner has to be a follower of my blog. If you would like to be entered into the contest leave me a comment on this post. If you also follow me on Twitter, your name will be entered twice! As long as I reach thirty blog followers the drawing will occur on January 2nd. Otherwise, I'll have to hold out until we reach thirty. Can't wait, you're going to love this book!


  1. Don't enter me - I have two copies - but I gotta agree, this book is AMAZING!!!!

  2. Yay! I keep hearing great things about this book, but have yet to read it for myself. (My TBR pile of books is piling up until this sequel is WRITTEN!!) But go ahead and enter me! :) I'll post something on my FB for people to come follow...

  3. I have never heard of this book, but you've got me intrigued! Please throw my name in the hat. I also follow you on Twitter, so throw it in again, if you don't mind!

  4. Please don't enter me in the giveaway. I already have a copy, and have to totally agree. It's awesome, and one of the best books I've read this year!

  5. My husband and I have heard great things about the book but neither of us has read it. Sadly, if I won I would have to hold off on reading it until I’m done with the book I’m working on right now. But please add me in the contest. My husband wants to read it too. :-)

  6. Would love to add this book to those I got for Christmas! Following on Twitter, too!

  7. This book looks fantastic!! Can't wait to read it either way it comes into my possession!! Good luck everyone! :) Thanks for having the contest!

  8. You don't have to enter us either, but I wanted to say that I totally agree. It's an amazing story. One of our favorites from 2009!!!

  9. OOH! Enter me in, please!! :) This book is amazing!

  10. I also received entries for Margo Dill, Chloe, and Mindful Musings. I just didn't publish the posts because it has your e-mails on it. But don't worry, your name is in the hat!


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