Happy Holidays

To all my followers, friends, family, and those who just stop by, I hope you have a very safe and happy holiday. May you be surounded by family and/or friends and may there be many books under your tree! I'll be back Monday with a special giveaway announcement.


  1. You to have a great holiday!

  2. Thank you Fida that's very sweet of you. I will!

  3. Happy holidays! I hope you have a joyous time!

  4. Thanks Lindsey! The holiday has been great, nice and relaxing. Well, except for the crazy last minute shopping. . .

  5. Happy Holidays to you too! I hope you get everything you want under the tree and that your cookies are delicious and stay forever fresh! :-D

  6. LOL! Thanks, but if they're too fresh everyone in the house will smell them and know where to find me!


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