Twitter Tuesday~Myra McEntire

Every now and then you meet someone really special on an online community that makes you think, 'yeah, that's why I'm on here!' Someone who makes you laugh and cry and feel llike the whole writing experience doesn't have to be lonely at all. Myra McEntire is one of those kind of people. I think we first came across each other in the YA lit chat on Twitter (or #yalitchat for those of you who tweet!).

Myra writes young adult urban fantasy and is represented by agent Holly Root of Waxman Literary Agency. Now that's a dream team! In her free time (LOL!) she reviews books for Young Adult Books Central Blog (YABC). She reviews some outstanding books and has never steered me wrong!

Keep an eye on the bestseller lists for Myra. Its coming girl. . .

You can find Myra on Twitter here:
Here's her blog:
And here she is on YABC:


  1. You are toooooo sweet! Thank you so much. I'm glad we're on the same journey ...

  2. Ah thanks. Me too! It's great to be able to share this journey with wonderful people like you :)


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