A Writer's Resolutions~Why You Should Have Them

Resolutions, just like goals, are something every writer should have. Until we're published we pretty much work for ourselves, which means we have to be our own boss and our own motivator. Without something like a resolution to hold us accountable, our fingers can go idle, and we know what happens then! 2009 is drawing to a close and we're about to enter not only a new year, but a new decade. Because of that I think it warrants some pretty big resolutions.

I would love to say my biggest resolution is to get my book published this year, but that has been handed over to my agent and is now in his hands. However, there is something I can work on to help the success of that book. My platform! You knew that was coming didn't you? Meeting people and getting your name out there will pave the way to success for your book. Not to mention it's fun. Writing doesn't have to be lonely.

So here's the plan: I will post my resolutions here and at the end of 2010 I'll check back and  hold myself accountable. I invite you to do the same. Leave me your resolutions in the comments and we can help hold each other to them!
  1. Continue to build my author platform. I'll do so by continuing to meet great writers and people who love books, like those I've met on Twitter! I'll also attend whatever conferences & retreats I can.
  2. Write three books this year. This could be thrown for a loop if/when my novel gets picked up and I have to work on edits, but until then I'll focus on these three new books.
  3. Rewrite the first fantasy trilogy I ever wrote and submit it to my agent. This could be thrown off course by the event mentioned in #2 as well. In which case, I won't complain!
  4. Keep hitting the treadmill every week. I know it's cliche but as a writer I spend a lot of time on my bum. Unfortunately my 'day' job is the same. Gotta stay healthy!
  5. Continue to improve my writing. Really, this should be #1, it's that important. But, it's also something I plan to do while doing the other resolutions, so that's why it fell at #5.  
Five is all I can handle. How about you?


  1. These are wonderful New Year resolutions! And since you asked here are a few of mine… I want to finish the first draft for books three and four and edit a ton on book two. But I’ll be content if I just finish book three and the edit for book two. I seem to do really well with one book one major edit a year. But seeing as how I’ve already done at least a third of the writing for book three I might be able to do both. I also really want to make sure I donate a book a month, of a lesser known or new author, to the library. I don’t think that will be hard at all and I’m really looking forward to doing it. :-)
    Happy writing,

  2. Love your dedication and the commitment to hold yourself accountable at the end of the year.

    My goal is to go national consumer this year, which means pitching new editors and spinning new stories. I'm actually looking forward to it.

    Thanks for keeping writers focused.

  3. Love this idea! Telling my goals to others always makes me try harder.

    Here are mine:

    Finish all activities in the Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Jan. 15.

    Research at least three agents a month that work in my genre

    Finish edits on my second manuscript and begin editing my third manuscript

    Good luck to all on your writing resolutions! I know we can all do it :-)


  4. Great resolutions everybody! Sarah, no worries, a book a year is a huge accomplishment. JT, this national consumer thing sounds interesting. . . Portia, I love your idea of researching three agents a month!

  5. Those are some pretty big resolutions. 3 books? I'd settle for just one! I agree completely with resolution number 1. I would also like to finish a couple of those screenplays I've got kicking around.

  6. You have some great resolutions, Here are some of my resolutions.

    Work on writing a poetry collection: keep on writing poems with the same theme, improve my writing skills.
    Keep up with building my author platform and
    Look for publishing agnets.

  7. Sounds great Fida. You're on the road to growth and success with resolutions like that!

  8. Alissa, yeah I know I'm reaching a bit. But my YA novels run around 70,000 so they're a bit shorter. A screenplay? You go girl!


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