2011 Debut Authors

2011 is closing in on us and that means it's time for a post listing the debut authors for next year. This is the class of 2K11. You can click on the author's name to find out more about them and on their book to find out more about it. Many of these will be at the top of my 'to buy' list for next year! If nothing is highlighted I couldn't find a link.

Julia Karr: XVI a YA speculative novel published by Puffin/Speak, January 6.
Bettina Restrepo: Illegal a YA novel published by Harper Collins-Katherine Tegen Books, March 11.
Amy Holder: The Lipstick Laws a YA novel published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Graphia, April 4.
Carole Estby Dagg: The Year We Were Famous a YA historical fiction novel published by Clarion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), April 4.
Angie Smibert: Memento Nora a YA dystopian novel published by Marshall Cavendish, April 15.
K. Ryer Breese: Future Imperfect a YA fantasy novel published by Thomas Dunne/St. Martin’s Griffin, April 26.
Gae H. Polisner: The Pull of Gravity a YA novel published by Frances Foster Books/Farrar Straus Giroux, Spring.
Christina Mandelski: The Sweetest Thing a YA novel published by Egmont USA, May.
Sheila O’Connor: Sparrow Road, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, May.
Alissa Grosso: Popular a YA novel published by Flux, May.
Tara Hudson: Hereafter aYA paranormal novel published by HarperCollins, June 7.
Geoff Herbach: Stupid Fast a YA novel published by Sourcebooks, June.
Carrie Harris: Bad Taste in Boys a YA urban fantasy (what does one call zombie books?!) published by Delacorte (Random House), July 12.
Amy Fellner Dominy: OyMG! a YA novel published by Walker Books, Summer.
Caroline Starr Rose: May B. a MG historical novel published by Tricycle Press, Fall.
Tess Hilmo: With A Name Like Love a MG murder mystery published by Margaret Ferguson Books/FSG, Fall.
Megan Bostic: Never Eighteen a YA novel published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Fall.
Trinity Faegen: The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax a YA novel published by Egmont USA, Fall.
Kiki Hamilton: THE FAERIE RING a YA urban fantasy published by Tor Books/Macmillan, Fall.

Not on the roster but still part of the class:
Beth Revis: Across The Universe a YA science fiction published by Razorbill in January.
Myra McEntire: Hourglass a YA paranormal published by Egmont, May.
Sonia Gensler: The Revenant a YA paranormal, historical published by Knopf, June.
Elana Johnson: Possession a YA dystopian published by Simon & Schuster, June.
Victoria Schwab: The Near Witch a YA paranormal published by Disney Hyperion, August.

If I've missed any debuts for next year let me know and I'll add the link. Each month next year I'll be featuring a debut author, many of them from this list so be sure to check back to learn more about them.


  1. What about Beth Revis with Across the Universe coming out in January? The 11th I believe.

  2. Thanks Jessica! I'm adding that one to the list! I hear it is excellent.

  3. I was going to suggest Beth Revis too! I'm really looking forward to reading her book.

    Great list of debut authors. I recognize a lot of the names, but I'll have to check out the others. Thanks for sharing:)

  4. Heather, this list is amazing. Thank you for sharing these debut authors with all of us. All your authors have so much to be thankful for this year, they've made it. You will too! It won't be long now. The funny thing is, when that lucky agent and publisher get you, do you know how many will be kicking themselves?
    I can hardly wait until we add you to the list!

  5. Me too Melissa, it sounds like it's going to be great. There are a lot of excellent titles that I'm looking forward to next year! Stay plugged in because I'll be featuring one of them each month of the new year!

  6. Thank you Karlene. It's very inspiring to see so many debut authors in my genre next year! It means books are selling and it gives me hope. Thank you so much for your confidence.

  7. Great list, Heather. Thank you - how lovely to see so many debut authors being published next year!

  8. You're welcome Talli! It is encouraging isn't it?!

  9. Awesome! I love seeing the names of so many bloggers I've followed and cheered for! :-)

  10. Me too Shannon! I feel honored to have been on the journey with many of them and can't wait to hold their books in my hands!

  11. I've got two more to add. Both by Source Books Fire Teen.

    I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler http://janetgurtler.blogspot.com/


    Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker

    There's quite a few on this list that I want to buy next year. :D

  12. Thank you Stina! I'll add them to the list.

  13. Thanks for sharing our list Heather. It's nice to be in the company of so many wonderful, talented people. :)

  14. You're very welcome Megan! I'm looking forward to Never Eighteen this fall!

  15. Hey there! The Class of 2K11 is awesome! If you're looking to list other 2011 debuts who aren't part of the class, the Elevensies is a great place to look. Combine our membership with the class of 2K11, and you should have a pretty exhaustive list!! We're at http://community.livejournal.com/2011debuts/

  16. This is wonderful. Thanks, Heather! I'll keep this post in my favorites so I can refer back to it. christy

  17. Yes!! Megan Bostic and Gae Polisner are both friends of mine (er, virtually personally - hmm, is there a term for that?) and turned me onto all their wonderful elevensies partners.

    Thanks for sharing the list!

  18. Thank you for that tip Sara. I'll have to check out the Elevensies!

  19. You're welcome Erica! Virtual friend is definitely a term! :) That's great! It's so fun to follow the success of our friends.

  20. I've been looking forward to a number of these!

  21. Me too Cinette! It will be a good year for books.

  22. So many awesome books to read!! I especially can't wait for Possession and Near Witch!

  23. A bit late, but this is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing...

    I have an award for you at my blog Heather....


  24. Thank you for the list! This saves me a lot of time trolling the interwebz for the what's coming out.

  25. I know huh Lisa?! I'm excited for both of those too!

  26. Thank you Michael, on both counts! I'm off to check out your blog.

  27. Hey, thanks for putting POSSESSION up there! And yeah, I didn't join the Class of 2K11, but The Elevensies site is a pretty great place. Glad someone mentioned it.

  28. Thanks so much for posting this, Heather. What an amazing lineup, 2011 is going to be a GREAT year! Can't wait!

  29. Glad I could help Lydia!

    You're very welcome Elana. This list would just not be complete without POSSESSION! You're right, the Elevensies is a great site!

    You're welcome VR. It is going to be a great year. I can hardly wait!

  30. 2011 looks like another great year for YA!

  31. It really does Elle! I'm pretty excited.

  32. I'm honored to be on your list, Heather. My link is www.sheilaoconnor.com. I hope you'll visit. And thank you so much for including Sparrow Road. Sheila

  33. You're very welcome Sheila! Thank you so much for stopping by. I'll add your link right now and go check it out!

  34. Thank you for featuring the books from the Class of 2k11!
    Carole Estby Dagg

  35. You're very welcome Carole! Thank you so much for stopping by.

  36. Hi Heather, is it too late to add my book coming out in August? It's a historical fiction YA called CLEOPATRA'S MOON, based on the real life of Cleopatra's daughter, the only one of her four children to survive to adulthood. It is being published by Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic, edited by Cheryl Klein. Thanks!

  37. It's not too late at all Vicky! Wow, CLEOPATRA'S MOON sounds excellent! I love a good historical. Later in the month I'll be doing a feature on the Elevensies and I'll be sure to add your novel to the list!

  38. just coming across this. So nice of you to share us, thank you. Yep, the Class of 2K11 is a particular group of authors who have bound together to help one another get our names out and have become friends. The Elevensies are a similar group, only larger, and most of Class of 2K11'ers are also Elevensies, but not the other way around (there are only 19 of us Class of 2k11'ers). And I'm sure there are debut authors out there that don't belong to either that are totally worthy! :)

    Hope that makes sense.

    Anyway, thanks for the shout out. I know we are all very grateful.

    Gae Polisner
    The Pull of Gravity, May 2011

  39. You're very welcome Gae! It's a pleasure featuring all of you. Best of luck and much success with The Pull Of Gravity!

  40. Great list - can I throw my hat in? My debut novel is out in the summer from Cauliay Publishing - it's a literary novel called The Ascent of Isaac Steward and took me 6 years before getting a deal!


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