Book Giveaways Galore

Tis the season for book giveaways! I won't be doing one until after the holidays because you never know what you're going to get between now and the new year. But next month I'll be doing a great giveaway so stay logged in!

Last week I won the fantastic looking novel Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick from my good friend and soon to be debuting author Myra McEntire. If you don't know who she is quick go find out! She is beyond awesome and her book is one of next year's most highly anticipated for me.

If you're looking for some great giveaways all you have to do is check out the blogs I follow. Nearly every one of them is doing a giveaway or has done one this month. Check out Kari over on the Under The Fairy Dust (don't you just love that title?) blog for a great one. And don't forget all my favorite book bloggers. Many of them are doing giveaways as well. There are links to them on the sidebar just over there. -->

If you know of a great giveaway or are doing one yourself feel free to leave me a link in the comments.


  1. Going to check out the links on the post, thanks!
    And don't you just love that cover? It's swoon worthy.


  2. Thank you, Heather, for the mention in your blog post! You're too sweet :) I'll be checking out those other links as well!

  3. Hey you! Thanks for the link and the kind words!

  4. It definitely is Lydia! I love a cover that's not only gorgeous but that also gives me a hint of the book. The blood on the feathers is subtle but oh so powerful.

  5. You're welcome Kari! You're awesome for doing such a fabulous giveaway. Everyone should know about your awesomeness. ;)

    You're very welcome Myra! Thank you so much for the fabulous book. I can't believe I hadn't read it yet!

  6. The sequel, Crescendo, is next on my list. :)

  7. I haven't had the chance to read HUSH HUSH yet but I'm going to take that as a very good sign that you can't wait to read the sequel Stina!

  8. I've heard so many wonderful things about this book! Thanks for the links - who doesn't love a good giveaway!

  9. Oooh I LOVE LOVE LOVE that book! You have to read it. Now. Go read it. Think I've had too much coffee yet today? :D You might also want to check out our 22 book giveaway on Enchanted Inkpot

  10. Congrats on your win.


  11. Me too Talli, I can hardly wait to read it! You're welcome for the links. Best of luck!

  12. LOL! Just for you Lisa I'll read it as soon as I'm done with The Hunger Games! Thanks for the link, I shall check it out!

    Thank you Lola! I hope you have an excellent weekend too!

  13. Yes! I love the cover of Hush, Hush. I had a personalized signed copy, but it was stolen by one of my students. She ripped out the signature page before I could get it back. :-(

    Kari's contest really is a great one! Have a wonderful weekend, Heather. :-)

  14. Oh no Shannon, what a little monster! Some people's kids huh?! You have a good weekend too!

  15. Heather, Congratulations on your book winning! Yeah. I'm going to do one on my blog too... but first I have to get reading. I must read before I give. You know... I just love books. I love reading. I love the adventure. And... I love sharing. This is what life is all about.

  16. Thanks Karlene! Very well said, that is what life is all about. I know all to well the troubles of not finding enough time to read though.


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