Twitter Tuesday~Editor & Agent Advice

This week is filled with even more agent advice than I usually dig up on Twitter. This first tweet is from Chuck Sambuchino of Writers Digest who brings us another great new agent who is looking for middle grade and young adult writers:

@ChuckSambuchino RT @CynLeitichSmith New #agent Joan Slattery seeks MG/YA at Pippin Properties:

Agent Natalie Fischer was tweeting some great advice about query letters. Here are a few of the tweets that I caught:
@Natalie_Fischer How to shoot yourself in the foot in a query: typos. Wrong agent name. HUGE word count. "To Whom It May Concern." #queries
@Natalie_Fischer Cont: apologizing for the submission. Incoherent letter/plot. Bitterness. "My test readers loved it!" Books 2 and 3 complete. #queries

Agent Marisa Corvisiero announces her search for a literary intern. If you're interested in agenting and qualify then this is an opportunity you don't want to miss!
@mcorvisiero Literary Intern Search...

Agent and author Mandy Hubbard gives us a bit of advice well worth heeding:
@MandyHubbard Hey guys: that whole underline-the-words-you-want-italicised thing disappeared with the typewriter. Just use italics! #pubtip

Editor Regina Griffin shares a bit of bad news about Borders (It isn't look good for them peeps. I hope you're buying books for the holidays!):
@Regina_Griffin More sad/bad news for Borders. RT @PublishersWkly: Borders Sales Disappoint, Loss Soars; Liquidity Issues Arise

Jane Friedman of Writers Digest brings us a gift of truly valuable advice about social media and online image:
@JaneFriedman My advice to writers on how to handle social media, transmedia, and online image:  (part 2 of interview w/@ThereseWalsh)

Editor Megan Records joins in on the publishing tips:
@meganrecords Don't refer to yourself in the third person in your query letter. It's weird. #pubtip

Are there any great tweets you caught last week that I missed? Any good contests or advice maybe?


  1. I don't tweet. So little free time to write as it is. I am a man of high hopes and low tech! LOL.

    Joan Slattery asked for a full manuscript and a month's exclusive from me ... which meant I had to say "please wait" to another agent who wanted a partial. Cross your fingers for me, Heather.

  2. These are great query tips, Heather. Getting ready to read Jane Friedman's article. Always look forward to Twitter Tuesdays. :)

  3. "Don't refer to yourself in third person...It's weird" Haha, love that! I guess as writers we get carried away sometimes :)

  4. That's great news Roland! I'm so excited for you! My fingers are crossed and I'm sending good vibes.

    Thanks so much Karen! You'll love Jane's article, it's a good one.

  5. You're welcome Talli!

    I guess we do sometimes Kari! LOL! Megan is funny. I highly recommend following her. She's always throwing out great #pubtips.

  6. Thanks for the links, Heather!

    We're having a contest over at Sisters in Scribe and are giving away signed books, including The Maze Runner by James Dashner and Wake by Lisa McMann. :)

  7. Borders not doing well and yet here are the guys wanting to buy B&N... Go figure! LoL

    Great list Heather, thanks!

  8. Thanks Heather,

    I just started to query again and these tips on new agents might be the way to get noticed. I wish us all an agent for Christmas!


  9. Oh,

    I'm glad you liked my excerpt. Amber also has the ability to talk to the creatures of the Willows: the enchanted willow grove where she meets all kinds of fantastic creatures and fairies.


  10. Thanks for the heads up Kristi! I'm on my way over to check out your contest.

    I know huh Lindsey?!

  11. That sounds excellent Michael! Here's wishing for that!

  12. Wow! Look at how many there are this week. Thanks, Heather! :-)

  13. Yep, I was tweeting like crazy last week Shannon! As you can tell from the links so were a bunch of great people!

  14. I love what Jane Friedman has to say about publishing, writing and social media. Thanks for the great links, as always!

  15. Before I started querying, I was reading advice all over the place that you were supposed to refer to yourself in the 3rd person during your bio portion. Seemed super-weird, so I just skipped the bio.

    Seems like that advice is still going around.

  16. Thanks once again for this awesome roundup. I feel like my whole life is one big came of catchup, but these summary posts really, really help!

  17. You're welcome Linda! Jane's post was fantastic.

    Erica, I've heard that advice a lot too. On the other hand I always hear from agents that they don't like the 3rd person angle in a query. It's great to hear straight from them what they like!

  18. Alissa, I've been there, often! Life has a way of getting ahead of us. I'm glad my posts help you. :)


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