Monday's Muse~Enchanting Encounter

I already had the scene in my mind when I came across this picture and I was blown away by how close it was to what I had imagined. It seems like magic when that happens, as if in some way you and some random artist out there are on the same wave length. In this chapter my character has to deal with the consequences of staying out too late and scaring her parents half to death. Haven't we all at some point?!

I finished reading Grave Witch by Kalayna Price and I really enjoyed it. In fact, it passed the 'would I read a sequel' test. Not only would I read a sequel, I'm eagerly awaiting it! Be advised though, Grave Witch is adult fantasy. You might have noticed by my sidebar that I'm now reading The Hunger Games. Finally, yeah, I know. It was jarring to discover that it is written in present tense first person. First person isn't my favorite and present tense is next to nails on a chalkboard for me. However, I had faith in my hoard of friends who recommended it and I kept reading. Now I'm on page fifty and I'm absolutely hooked. Who knew?

My music muse has been Orla Fallon's Celtic Christmas. It isn't Christmas in my novel but my muse has to compromise a bit for the season. How about you, are you able to keep up your writing momentum through the crazy holidays? If so, what is inspiring you?


  1. Oh thank GOODNESS you're reading the Hunger Games. It is one of my favorite books. Ever. :D

  2. My writing has slowed down since the holidays. I do try to write before retiring for the evening, even if its just few hundred words.

    My first novel has a wonderful Christmas chapter in it... not just a scene. I had to trim it down considerably because I love Christmas so much. I guess I got carried away.

    The ms I am working on now is far different. I don't know even if I will have a Christmas scene in it. Most likely not considering the story.

    All types of Christmas music inspires me, but instrumentals mixed with chorals inspire me the most.


  3. Heather, I'm not sure how to keep up in the crazy holidays. I think the only way to survive is to carve out the time to write. And to do online shopping. That's save a ton of time. I know what inspires me... Christmas music and pretty lights! The bad thing about the holidays, is writing dark... when everything is joyful. A great challenge for sure.
    Thanks for another beautiful muse!

  4. I can see why Lisa! I'm over a hundred pages into it, for me that's flying. I'm so glad I stuck with it!

  5. It's hard not to get carried away with Christmas isn't it Michael?! I can't say that I love all holiday music but I am a sucker for a lot of the classics and anything with violins.

  6. True Karlene, it can be tough to write dark when everything around us is so joyful. This is a great time of year to skip to a happy part of your manuscript and write that chapter. I'm lucky to be at a very happy chapter in my novel right now.

  7. That picture is magical. My writing has slowed during the holidays. I'm enjoying family and just resting the brain a bit. Grave Witch sounds interesting, I'll have to give it a look. Thanks for sharing! :D

  8. I do find it hard to concentrate during the holidays. But I'm going to visit the inlaws at the end of December, and I want to get a good chunk done before then. I find deadlines always help!

  9. That's a magical picture. :)

    I'm writing slower than I was at NaNoWriMo, but I'm still writing every day in my novel. I'm *trying* to finish by the end of 2010 (although that's looking unlikely right now).

  10. Brenda, I think it's natural for our writing to slow during the holidays, frustrating at times, but natural! If you enjoy adult paranormal you'll love Grave Witch!

    Talli, I know exaclty what you mean! My attention is pulled in so many different directions. Best of luck getting a lot of writing done before the end of December!

  11. Golden Eagle, that's the beauty of NaNo, it helps you get ahead so you can relax a bit in December! Best of luck finishing your novel by the New Year! I'm hoping to be halfway through mine by then.

  12. The painting reminds me a little bit of Eilonwy from the Black Cauldron series, with her magic bauble.

    I keep up my momentum because my story gives it to me. I'm so excited to see it develop, so I write whenever I can (and when I am not checking blogs!)

  13. I haven't read that Lydia I'll have to check it out. That's excellent that your story is compelling you, I love that!

  14. So glad you're reading The Hunger Games! I didn't even remember that it was in present tense...

  15. Maybe it's because I write YA fantasy, but Christmas--the way the air smells spicy and smokey and sharp, the tinkling of bells, the roaring fires--always seems a little bit magical to me. And that keeps me fresh and excited about my WIPS. This Christmas, I'll be finished with my ALMOST final revisions on SPITFIRE, so I'll be brainstorming for a new idea that popped into my head a few weeks ago. I couldn't be happier to start work on it around the holidays. :)

    Also, I totally know what you mean about random artists creating something that so completely coincides with your own work. I found an awesome artist on Deviantart a few years ago (Stephanie Holmes), and managed to contact her about a commission--her work was so uncannily similar to the mood and structure of my writing that I wanted her to do something SPITFIRE-related. I'm super-excited about it--the piece should be on my blog in a month or two!

  16. That's fantastic Shayda! I look forward to seeing her work on your blog. The season is pretty magical, I have to agree with you!

  17. That's funny Kari because as I read it I forget that too. It's that GOOD!

  18. I'll have to check out that Grave Witch novel. I've read the Hunger Game series. They are awesome! I love when I stumble across great books!

  19. Me too Morgan! I can't believe it took me so long to read The Hunger Games. Let me know what you think of Grave Witch. I love Kalayna's writing style, it's very refreshing.

  20. Love the picture.

    Glad you're enjoying The Hunger Games. I only read it earlier this year. Fortunately, I love first person present tense. It grew on me. :)

  21. Just stopping in for a dose of muse! I love the pics you find! I think I'm coming out of my writing inspiration is more motivation than inspiration though...ABNA. Thanks so much for stopping by today and commenting on erica's post as well as mine. I really appreciate your comments on my query. Thank you, Christy

  22. I have to admit Stina, it's really growing on me!

  23. That's great to hear that you're coming out of your writing rut Cristy! I think I'm going to do ABNA too!

  24. That's a gorgeous picture, Heather! I love when I stumble across something that matches my WIP perfectly. I always get a little shiver :)

    I have to admit I've been distracted this holiday and haven't gotten as much done on my WIP as I planned. But I do have two weeks off at Christmas, so I plan on really digging in then.

  25. It happens to most of us this time of year Jamie. There's just so much going on! Best of luck during your Christmas break. I have a week off too, we can compare notes on progress!


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