Friday Creature Feature~Selkies & Tangled Tides

Today’s Friday Creature Feature is special because it is in celebration of the release of Tangled Tides, by Karen Hooper. There is a war going on amidst the sea creatures and those of us participating in Karen’s tour are taking sides. Take a look at this amazing cover. Doesn’t it make you just want to pick it up?! Here is a bit about the book:

Yara Jones doesn’t believe in sea monsters—until she becomes one.

When a hurricane hits her island home and she wakes up with fins, Yara finds herself tangled up in an underwater world of mysterious merfolk and secretive selkies. Both sides believe Yara can save them by fulfilling a broken promise and opening the sealed gateway to their realm, but they are battling over how it should be done. The selkies want to take her life. The merfolk want something far more precious. 

Treygan, the stormy-eyed merman who turned Yara mer, will stop at nothing and sacrifice everything to protect his people—until he falls for Yara. The tides turn as Yara fights to save herself, hundreds of sea creatures, and the merman who has her heart. She could lose her soul in the process—or she might open the gateway to a love that’s deeper than the oceans.

I can hardly wait for my copy to arrive! Join in the fun and stop by Twitter where Karen is giving away a signed copy along with some fun sea creature giveaways. To enter all you have to do is tweet using the #TangledTides hashtag, choose a side (mermfolk, selkies, gorgons, or sirens) and why. You can learn more about Karen at her Author Website and can find Tangled tides on AmazonB&N, and Goodreads

And I choose selkies! Why, because they're one of my favorite Irish legends. :) I can hardly wait to read about them in Karen's book. 


  1. This sounds like an interesting book - good choice with the selkies :-)

  2. I'd be a Siren. I'm not a good singer, so it would be soooo cool to be able to sing seductively. :D

    Love the cover!

  3. Wooot! Yay for selkie love!

    Thanks so much for celebrating with me, Heather!

    *hands you cake and a mimosa*

  4. I can't wait to read this too. Love the cover.

  5. Selkies are so mysterious (I love the Secret of Roan Inish), but I had to go with sirens. Let me sing and fly.
    Happy Release Day, Karen!

  6. Jessica, yay Karen indeed! This book looks amazing.

    Sarah, yay another selkie fan!

    Stina, that would be a cool power! And it is an amazing cover isn't it?!

  7. Karen, it's my pleasure hon! *munches on cake...*

    Natalie, me too. I'm so excited for it!

    Tricia, that's one of my favorite stories! I must admit, singing and flying would be pretty cool though...

  8. Sounds like a fantastic read. I'll be at Amazon as soon as I get off of work -- folks need rare blood even on holidays! Thanks, Heather for visiting my post today and staying to chat awhile. I was feeling lonely! LOL. Roland

  9. This book already looked awesome to me. Now I'm even more intrigued. I would choose the merpeople I suppose. But really, I'd like to learn about the sides first. ;D

  10. Looks like a great book! And I love the cover too.

  11. I officially want to read this book--there's certainly a lot of buzz about it in the blogosphere today! :)

    If I had to side, I'd have to choose gorgons.

  12. I'm with you, Heather. Selkies are like sirens to me--can't resist 'em!

  13. Roland, so glad I could keep you company. ;)

    Lisa, me too! The idea of it is fascinating.

    Karlene, it is beautiful, isn't it?!

  14. Golden Eagle, I can hardly wait to hear what you think of it!

    Linda, yay another selkie fan!

    Saba, I know right? I'm dying to know about all these creatures and their role in the book.

  15. Ooh, I love selki, and that cover looks awesome!!!

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!



  16. I've gone with sirens elsewhere. Go sirens go! :) Good luck to Karen.

  17. The cover is beautiful. I've been seeing it everywhere.

    I think I'll go with the stormy-eyed merman. That's just me (^;

  18. Awww, look at all the sea creature love over here! Thanks again for celebrating with me, Heather! I'm running around the web today tallying up the votes. Results will be announced later. :) Yay selkies!

    Read a sneak peek of TANGLED TIDES on Amazon

  19. The book sounds wonderful, with some great characters.

    Oh, and can I just way, what an awesome author photo! The sea behind you and that fish-tail's so perfect!

  20. That is a beautiful cover! I've always loved mermaids too and it sounds like an awesome story.

  21. Of course you're a selkie!!! You love Scotish heroes too, don't you??? I'm Team Gorgon. But, that's obvious, isn't it?


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