Monday's Muse~Helping Hands

This beautiful snowy view out my window with the bald eagle kept me going and inspired me despite the fact that I felt like I was stuck in an eternally burning pit with demons snapping at my heals (formatting will do that to you). It was a rough week to put it lightly. But all is well, and I’m back on track. Whew! For anyone who has every had one of those days (weeks, months, years), I’m raising a glass of wine to you tonight during the #WritersRoad chat on Writing Helping Hands. I hope you’ll join us. It’s a half hour chat followed by a half hour word war (writing sprint). Click here to join us at 6pm PT.

These last few weeks I’ve been reading Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan. I had trouble in the beginning. The writing just didn’t pull me in and the striking (and numerous) similarities between this and a friend of mine’s book (Across The Universe by Beth Revis, which I loved by the way) were too hard to ignore. The deeper I got into the book though, the more I realized how different the two novels were, and the more drawn in I became. Soon I couldn’t put it down. Both books are wonderful and unique in their own way and they are a great example of how two similar books can both be successful. I must admit though, the end~or lack thereof~of Glow made me want to throw it against the wall. I don't normally need a nicely wrapped up book, but this is the kind of ending agents normally hate (and reject books for), so it kind of ticks me off to see them allowing it for some and not others.

What inspired you last week? Reading anything good, or have you read either of these books? If so, what did you think?


  1. I love that picture, he looks so chilled as if he's found the perfect perch :-)

  2. Heather, thanks for the motivation. I love Eagles and snow. You have the most beautiful views. I'm sorry for the bad week, but somehow when we get through them they make the good weeks all the better. Keep smiling and enjoy your week. Time for me to fly like an eagle. :)

  3. Formatting sounds seriously daunting! I will be at WritersRoad tonight, barring emergencies. Sounds excellent!

  4. You have like the best views from your house. So jealous. :)

    So glad that you're back on track! I feel that way too sometimes.

    I'm starting to appreciate "quieter" books. I'm just finishing up A LONG LONG SLEEP and it's not a action-packed book but I find myself still compelled to read it.

  5. Hi Heather,

    What an AWESOME PIC!

    So sorry you had a rough week. I have been running around in every direction for over a month. I miss all my blogger friends and I am happy to say I am back! I missed you and the others SO much.

    I have to agree with you about publishers making exceptions for some authors and not for others.... Unfortunately this is a VERY subjective business... and yes, unfortunately again, this is a business.

    Have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING ... We have so much to be thankful for ....

  6. Sarah, yep, he's scoping out the rabbits in the field behind me!

    Karlene, I'm spreading my wings!

    Linda, it is. I don't recommend it! I can hardly wait for our chat tonight!

  7. Karen, I do have great views, which I'm extremely thankful for! You know, I could use a good quiet book about now...

    Michael, we missed you too! I hope you have a fantastic thanksgiving as well!

  8. Wow! Great picture, hon! WE don't have snow as yet. But it will come. It always does!

    It sounds like you've had a trying week. Hopefully this coming week will give you some time off.

    I'm not sure why some authors are given the okay to do something that the agents/publishers claim they don't like and won't publish. Since I didn't read the books you've mentioned, but have read a few which have made me want to throw them against the wall, I do know what you mean!

    Have a greath Thanksgiving. I'll be doing some work that day in between the cooking and eating!

  9. I love how honest you are about books. I might have given GLOW up after seeing too many similarities. Glad you stuck with it!

  10. Lorelei, so far this week has been a lot better! Traditional publishing can be frustrating, so true! They aren't kidding when they say it's a subjective business.

    Christa, I must admit, it was hard to stick with it after the similarities just kept piling up. In the end though, I'm glad I did. It's a good novel in it's own right.

  11. I have SOOOO much to do! But I can't NOT read SHATTER ME. It's calling to me right now from my nightstand...

  12. Great picture--the other day there were two bald eagles near the river I walk past every day--it was such a great sight!

    It's funny how you can start a book and not be in love, but you stick it out and it turns out amazing. But, the opposite can happen too, and the book just doesn't ever recover.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  13. Glad to hear Glow got better. I would have quit reading it before that. You are better than me.

  14. I love your view!!! That eagle looks so regal, like he's on his throne! :D

  15. Lisa, oh that one looks good!

    Angela, you get to walk by a river every day?! I'm jealous!

    Stina, it did. But I still have mixed feelings about it.

    Saba, thank you! He is beautiful isn't he?!

  16. So interesting what you mentioned about Glow. I haven't read it. Hmmm...

    I've been reading If I Tell, by Janet Gurtler. She has a really nice voice.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Yikes, sorry to hear you had a such a difficult week. Oh sigh, formatting. It sucks!

  18. Salarsen, it has strong religious undertones~but not necessarily in the support of religion. It's different, and yet eerily familiar in it's similarities to Across The Universe (not the religious part of course). Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    Talli, this one is better, so it's all good. :)


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