I Love Dark YA Blogfest~Favorite Read

Every Wednesday this month I'm joining my co-hosts Christa, Kelly, E.R.YAtopia and many other blogger friends in celebrating my love of dark young adult novels. So you won't see my Wednesday Writing Goal posts for a month. But the timing is great since I know many of you are busy with NaNo. Each week we have a different theme. You don't want to miss all the stops because it will be a ton of fun and we'll be doing a giveaway at the end of the month. To see what the themes are, and who is participating, click here.

This week we're blogging about our favorite dark YA novel (s). There are so many great ones that I had a lot of trouble choosing so I'm featuring three.

The first is Crank by Ellen Hopkins. It is the epitome of dark. In fact, it's a subject most people don't want to touch and Ellen tackled it beautifully. Any and all of Ellen's books fall under this beautifully dark category. She isn't afraid to go where others won't tread and I respect her tremendously for that.

The second is Under My Skin by Judith Graves. Judith takes an overly used theme, breathes exciting new life into it (no pun intended), and makes me want to read about vampires and werewolves again. Her wonderful, edgy novel puts a unique twist on the paranormal and will surely re-kindle your love of the genre.

The third is a series that I have just recently discovered and was blown away by how much I liked it. The Gone series by Michael Grant is all about dark. It has been described as "if Stephen King had written The Lord Of The Flies," and I must say, that is a perfect description. With graphic scenes of violence, it isn't for the faint of heart but it is definitely for those seeking a thrill ride packed with paranormal elements.

If you read dark YA, what's your favorite novel?


  1. I absolutely LOVE the GONE series! Crank was good, too. I haven't read the other one. :-)

  2. Great selections! I gave my nephew Gone last Christmas and he loved it. I've also heard a lot about Crank. Of your list, I'll have to read the second one since I love paranormal! They all sound good.

  3. Crank is such a great choice! I thought about picking it, too. I haven't read Gone. I'm going to look into it. Thanks, Heather!

  4. Shannon, as soon as I read it, GONE became one of my favorites! Under My Skin is a great read!

    Brinda, if you love paranormal I think you'll really like Under My Skin! Crank is the darkest of the dark.

    E.R., if you like paranormal, I think you'll enjoy GONE and Under My Skin!

  5. You have me interested in UNDER THE SKIN. Great idea for a blogfest, Roland

  6. You've given some great options. Under my Skin sounds like one I could sink my teeth into (ugh, the unintended pun).

  7. I LOVE Gone so much. I really respect Michael Grant for writing the way he does. He treats his readers with respect and never talks down to them as he deals with huge issues.

    The UK covers are totally different though!

  8. Gosh! I haven't read any of these. *makes notes for next library visit*

  9. Roland, it's a great young adult read, dark enough to be up your alley. ;)

    Angela, lol, yes it is!

    Miss Cole, exactly why I love his books! I'll have to check out the UK covers...

    Kate, glad I could bring you a few new reads!

  10. Oh, I want to read CRANK so bad. Ellen's so brilliant. Love the choices.

  11. So fantastic...I can't wait to get my hands on GONE. That description is fabulous. And I loved CRANK. You are my kind of reader:)

  12. I love Gone! I never did get around to reading the third book in the series, though . . . will have to do that sometime. Soon, too. :)

  13. GONE looks awesome. Adding to my list to check out. Thanks for posting (and coordinating). These posts have been fun to read.

  14. Bee, it's a brilliant, very honest book.

    Christa, sounds like we could be book club buddies!

    Golden Eagle, I always love finding more fans of the series.

  15. Ellen Hopkins made my list too, only I couldn't pick a single novel so I just went with them all.

  16. There was one pretty edgy book called Beautiful which I read--not sure if it counts as dark. Crank looks good, I've been wanting to read it.

  17. Elle, you're very welcome, thanks for stopping by!

    M.J., it's hard to pick just one of her novels, they're all amazing, so true!

    Lydia,I've heard of that one and it definitely counts as dark, great choice!

  18. Heather, this is so great you are supporting writers. You're the best about this, and we're all lucky to know you!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I've read GONE and loved it. Some of the things Michael Grant wrote about in the FAYZ made me gawk in a good way. The characters were really well-developed, too. I'm glad you mentioned it. :)

  20. Oh, yes, anything by Ellen Hopkins is amazing. Dark, but hopeful and affirming. Great picks. And GONE sounds creepy awesome.

  21. I really enjoyed Gone, and I need to finish the rest of the series. I've only read the first two!

  22. I started reading the Gone series, but then lost interest. Loved the first one.

    I haven't read Crank yet, but I enjoyed Ellen's other books. :)

  23. Heather, these all sound great. I've just started reading darker YA (I'm usually a chicken) so I definitely will check out these. Thanks for sharing! <3

  24. Cool. I LOVE the blogging world--I learn so much I would never know about otherwise. Thankyou.

  25. Lyla, Michael did do a fantastic job, didn't he?!

    Callie, it's very creepy! I have to admit it made me jump at shadows.

    Natalie, I'm not done with it yet either, too busy! But I love it!

  26. Stina, oh no, I'm only on the second one!

    Brenda, you're welcome! Glad I could give you some new reads. :)

    Linda, you're welcome!

  27. I have heard so many good things about CRANK. I need to read it. I loved GONE.

    One of my favorite YA dark reads is LIVING DEAD GIRL by Elizabeth Scott.

  28. GONE is a great series, although I haven't read the most recent (is it out yet?). I have so many books on my to-read pile, I can't keep up . . . ACK! *ducks out of the way of falling books*

  29. Karen, I haven't read that one yet, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the rec, love the title!

    Melissa, I know how you feel. I haven't read the whole series yet either because my to-read pile is so huge!

  30. I love the MIchael Grant series! I'm to the point of wondering what the heck else can happen to these poor kids.....jeesh!

    I love the Forest of Hands and Teeth series...zombies, romance, gore...what else could one want in a book!

    Also, anything by Amanda Hocking pretty much floats my boat.

  31. I haven't read the Gone series but I really need to! I agree that Crank is definitely dark and it was rather difficult for me to read because of my own journey. It's an important book for teens though and I hope it manages to deter some from traveling that road.

  32. Ansley, you've given me a couple new books to check out, thank you!

    Candace, I'm so sorry it was a hard read for you due to your journey. (((Hugs)))

  33. Wow, I haven't read any of these books. Gone has been on my list for a long time, but Crank sounds amazing. I loved Winters Bone (the movie) and wonder if it's anything like that world?

  34. I loved Crank and Gone, and I'll look into Graves' book.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  35. Crank is still one of those books on my list to read, and now I want to read it even more. :) Thanks!!


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