Monday's Muse~Snow

Last week the snow was my inspiration. The way it blew in and blanketed the world around me, heralding the arrival of winter, seemed to reflect what is going on in my writing life (for those who are wondering, this view is out my back door. I know, I'm so lucky!). Things are a whirlwind of activity with my special edition of Spruce Knoll coming out at the end of this month, but in a good way. I'm starting to get ready for preparing my mini blog tour in December so if you'd like me to stop by your blog leave me a comment! The focus of the mini tour will be Spruce Knoll For Endangered Species.

I'm reading Glow by Amy Ryan. The writing style reminds me of the way sci-fi used to be written, with a bit of detachment. While tons of people love this style, I'm not one of them so it hasn't exactly pulled me in yet. I'm hoping it will grow on me though. It has kept me reading after 50 pages so I have hope!

What inspired you last week? Reading anything good, or have you read Glow and have a different opinion?


  1. I read Jessica Martinez' VIRTUOSITY last week and enjoyed it. Then I got to meet her at a book event on Friday. How cool is that? Have a beautiful week!

  2. OMG, you have SNOW! Wow, I guess winter really is nearly upon us. That is a beautiful view, and your horse is sooo cool. I'm bouncing around in my reading right now, trying to find something that I can't wait to get back to when I put it down. Still looking.

  3. What a beautiful picture. You are so very lucky to have such beauty in your backyard!

    How exciting about your special edition. Whirlwind indeed.

    I read the first chapter of GLOW. Let me know what you think when you're done.

  4. Last week I read Become by Ali Cross and Open Minds by Susan Quinn--both were wonderful!! :-)

  5. Angelina, that's awesome! I love it when I get to meet authors, even now it seem surreal. :)

    Linda, we do, and it's sticking around for the most part! I've had that problem with books lately too.

    Karen, I really am. :) We'll compare notes soon!

    Shannon, I'm looking forward to both of those so much!

  6. I've gotten into Cold Magic. I have to keep myself from sitting and reading it while I must work!!! I reserve the time to read at night before bed.

    But SNOW??? Wow. I'd like to keep it at bay for about a month or more, thanks. LOL!

  7. That's a beautiful picture! I love snow. :)

    I finished This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel over the weekend; it's a well-written book.

  8. I've had a very inspiring week. My debut indie novel went on line and it's been very exciting to see my book out there. It definitely makes me want to write a ton more stuff with each new work being better than the last.

    Would love to have you visit my blog on your tour if you're interested. Feel free to send me an e-mail at melissapearlguyan (at) gmail (dot) com if you're keen.

  9. Lorelei, hm, I'll have to check that one out. Yep, snow already!

    Golden Eagle, me too! I've heard hear of This Dark Endeavor, maybe I'll have to give it a shot.

    Melissa, that's fantastic! I'll go check it out right now!

  10. Meeeee!! I hope there is time to add my blog to your que :) LOVE the view!!!! You are lucky!

  11. I have been in NaNoWriMo-ville so unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to think outside of "don't neglect child, remember to go to work and WRITE Darn it!". I haven't read Glow but I know readingis subjective so...ya know.

  12. Heather, your view would inspire anyone. Breathtaking. I see how you can curl up and write and get lost in the words. So much inspiration. A perfect muse.

    I actually read 28 wishes this week. Very fun. Denise is a great author. What inspired me? The fall colors out my back door.

  13. Saba, not at all! I'm putting you on the list and will email you shortly!

    Angela, true, very subjective. While it may not be for me, others will love it! I hope the word count is going great!

    Karlene, it would! I'm so glad you enjoyed 28! Denise is talented isn't she?!

  14. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful place to live. Who's the friend?

  15. That's your view, are you kidding? ENVIOUS!

    I'll be interested to hear what you finally think of Glow -- I haven't read it yet, but I'm hearing a bit about it!

  16. Sarah, it would be if it wasn't a hundred miles from everywhere. But it is beautiful! That's my boy, the best horse in the world. :)

    Amie, it is! I haven't heard much about Glow yet so I'm dying to hear what others think.

  17. I'm not looking forward to snow in NYC - it usually turns to gray slush. But, that view out your backyard is incredible!!!

    If you want to stop by my blog on your tour, you're more than welcome to do so! Heck, you're always welcome. :D

  18. Your back yard is beautiful but I don't envy the early snow. We got our first taste yesterday,but it melted right away.

    I'd be happy to be part of your mini tour, just let me know how.


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