Biggest fan Contest~Nook Simple Touch

To celebrate the release of my second book, Channeler's Choice, and Christine Fonseca's first full length fiction novel, Lacrimosa, we're doing a massive giveaway. It's a 'biggest fan' giveaway that will reward those who have enjoyed my novels and Christine's, and have taken the time to review them. The 1st place winner will receive a Nook Simple Touch!

Second Place:
Signed hardback of Lacrimosa
(on Christine's blog the second place prize will be a signed copy of Channeler's Choice)
Signed paperback of the novella combo Born Of Fire & Dies Irae
Swag pack

Third Place:
Signed paperback of the novella combo Born Of Fire & Dies Irae
Swag pack

What to do:

Be a fan and read and review any of the following books:

How to get points:
+1 for a review of each title on your blog (past or present)
+1 for a review of each title on Goodreads
+3 for a review of each title on Amazon
+3 for a review of each title on B&N
+2 for a review of each title on any other retail site

We only ask two things, that you please review it after you read it, and that your are honest. We're not looking for gushing reviews here (though those are wonderful and will of course count) and we're thrilled at three and four stars as well as five. Anything below three stars is a pretty universal sign that you didn't like the novel and those reviews will not count toward your points. The winner doesn't have to be a follower of our blogs but of course we'd love it if you were because we like to connect with our fans.

To enter use the entry form below: a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That is a fantastic giveaway, Heather! Don't enter me in the contest--just dropped by to say so many congratulations on your great accomplishments with these books!

  2. This sounds like a wonderful contest. As I've already mentioned Born of Fire, Dies Irae and Lacrimosa on my blog in the past - and have my sights on Spruce Knoll and Channeler's Choice in the coming months - you can skip adding me to the contest. Your mentions will be just because I enjoy the heck out of them :-)

    1. You are so sweet Angela! You're welcome to enter though. Past reviews still count!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Saba! You're welcome to enter, past posts and reviews count. :)

  4. Wow, that's some awesome swag. I'm reading Channeler's Choice right now. lol

    1. Thanks Donna! If you enjoy it, and finish before April 14th, you're welcome to review it and come back and enter. :)

  5. Congratulations winners!! And for all you do for everyone Heather ... Thank you!

    1. No winners yet, still time to enter Karlene. It will be open until April 15th.

  6. I can't enter any of my links :( When I go to paste them it says copyrighted... Sorry to bother you...

  7. Just finished reading Born of Fire! (Will be posting review soon - but its a 5Star for sure) Now I'm hoping to be the second place winner on Christine's blog so that I get to read Channeler's choice soon!!!

  8. Had written only Dies Irae review on Book Depository. Updated it & now it shows a review for both the books!


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