Monday's Muse~Paperback Release

One of my inspirations last week was my good friend (and fabulous author) Laura Pauling who is revealing the cover of her upcoming book due out May 7th called A Spy Like Me. Why would that inspire me? Well, for one because she's a fantastic author and I'm dying to read this novel. But reason #2 is that I designed the cover! To check it out click on over to YA Confidential, then come back to let me know what you think!

Today for the Channeler's Choice tour Fane is interviewed over at author Lisa Nowak's blog. You won't want to miss that! And author Trisha Wolfe is giving me a shout out. Thanks ladies! Two winners have already grabbed books from the Channeler's Choice 'on the side' tour giveaways from lovely authors and bloggers who are giving away books to help me celebrate. So be sure you're checking out the tour stops!

Last week my inspiration was this the fabulous Christine Fonseca's writing. If you haven't read Christine's fiction yet, you're really missing out. But you're in luck, Compass Press just released a paperback version of her novella and mine titled, Born Of Fire & Dies Irae. This is the online image, the cover is actually Dies Irae and the back cover is Born Of Fire. It turned out looking amazing and I'm honored to have my channeler novella beside such a talented author as Christine. It's currently available on Amazon and should be hitting B&N soon (they're always fashionably late to the party). If you'd like to win a copy be sure to click on the right sidebar link for the Channeler's Choice giveaway, it's part of the prize packages!

What inspired you last week?


  1. So much going on I almost feel like I'm chasing my tail trying to keep up. How do you do it and still keep your sanity? :-)

    1. Sanity? Wait, I was supposed to keep that?!

  2. The books look awesome together! And I'm sure she is equally honored!

  3. Heather this is fantastic. What a fabulous idea. I too agree with Angela... how to keep up with it all. You are amazing! And PJ is right... They do look awesome together!

  4. Great covers. And Spies cover is sexy and sweet both. I liked it. But I'm not really a YA reader. Born of Fire is a great title.


    1. Glad you like the covers, and my title for Born Of Fire! Thanks Donna.

  5. Love the cover of A Spy Like Me! And it sounds fabulous as well!

    1. Yay! So glad it's getting the thumbs up. It does sounds great doesn't it? I can't wait to read it!

  6. Wow, love the cover! Nice job designing it, Heather! And the book sounds really cool.

    1. Yay! That makes me so happy. I really wanted to do a great job for her and I feel as though it turned out fantastic. So glad to hear everyone else thinks so too!

  7. Love those covers. You need to be at least two people, Heather. I am impressed!!

    1. Thanks Linda! *blushes* I really do need a clone though. *wipes sweat from brow...*


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