Feature News & Tour Stop

Today is an off day for the Creature Features (I'm doing them every other Friday now), but I wanted to let you know that something exciting is brewing for the Creature Features. It isn't my special project, though it will be soon, and it will involve a collaboration with a good friend. I can't say yet as the contract isn't signed, but soon, soon...

Today for the Channeler's Choice tour, my good friend (and fabulous new author) Karlene Petitt is giving me a shout out over on the Critique Sisters' Blog. I hope you'll stop by and say hi!


  1. Ooohh that sounds exciting!! I hope it's a book. Make sure to let me know because I sooo want a copy for sure!
    Heather, I've tagged you in the Lucky 7 Meme. It's actually a fun one where you get to share 7 lines from your current WIP. http://1fantasyfairy.blogspot.com/2012/03/i-was-tagged-by-kelly-hashway-for-lucky.html

    1. It could be... announcement coming soon! ;) This sounds like a fun tagging! I'll head over and check it out!

  2. Yay for special projects! Can't wait to hear all about it. :)

  3. Oh yes, I love your creature features so this excites me :-)

    1. Aw, thank you Sarah! I'm excited that you're excited!

  4. We're all on pins and needles to get more about this possible colab. But I shall be patient. I working on this patience thing. Not all that great with it but slowly getting better.

    1. LOL! You and me both sweetie. I can hardly wait to tell you. There are fantastic things in the works.

  5. Every other week will have to be. I love Creature Features!!! Please join us on Critique Sisters to read more about our super star Heather!

  6. Oooh can't wait to find out what you're doing and who you're doing it with!!! :D

    1. I'm so excited to tell you all that I can hardly hold it in!

  7. Talk about keeping us in suspense. :)

  8. What? Another contract is GREAT news, yay!

  9. Tease, tease!:)

    Pleased to hear there's something in store for Creature Feature. I love it.


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