Happy Official Book Birthday to Lacrimosa

From Christine: I am so excited to be here with Heather today, celebrating the release of LACRIMOSA. Heather is featuring a special interview with Aydan. Take it away Heather:

Heather: Welcome, Aydan. To start, why don't you tell us a little about yourself:

Aydan: As Christine mentioned earlier this week, I am a member of Azza's army  - an UnHoly. I'm the best at what I do, the best at procuring souls for my master, Azza, and the best at maintaining order among the dark creatures.

Heather: So you're evil, then. That's all. Pure Evil? 

Aydan: [swallows hard] Yes. Well, no. Shoot, that is a harder question for me than it seems. [swallows again while opening and closing his fists several times] I am evil. And I am bound to Azza and all that he stands for. But it is not the sum-total of me. At least not yet.

Heather: So there is more to you? Tell me about that.

[Aydan opens his mouth to speak, only to slam it shut. He closes his eyes and releases a ragged breath]

Heather: *hides a shudder* Okay, let's move on. It is rumored that you were in love once. A long time ago. Can you tell me about that.

[Aydan's head snaps up, his eyes narrowing on Heather. His expression hardens, as tears fill his eyes.]

Aydan: This was a mistake. [he gets up to leave] I have to go. Now. [Aydan walks out without another word]

Christine: Sorry Heather, Aydan's having a hard day. He doesn't like talking about her. It's too hard. His descent into evil happened because of the love he harbored or her - a love he wasn't supposed to feel. Ever. Maybe it's best if we leave it this way and let the readers decide about Aydan. I would just like to say, though, that for all his bravado and whatnot, he has been my favorite character to write to date.

Heather: Sounds good. Let Aydan know that I didn't mean to cross any lines with him. [fear forms in her eyes]

Christine: Don't worry, Heather. He isn't on the hunt much these days - at least, I "think" he isn't it... 
There you go, a brief intro to Aydan. For more from him, be sure to check out Gretchen McNeil's blog today for the world premiere reading of chapter two of LACRIMOSA

And don't forget the giveaway:

You can enter up to twice daily (through the tour and my blog).

And there's more - continue to collect the daily clues to enter the EPIC grand prize giveaway that includes books, swag and a special surprise.

Today's clue - REVENGE


  1. Great interview. We really get a sense of Aydan. Happy Release Day Christine! So excited for you.

    1. She did a great job, I love this insiders view into Aydan!

    2. Thanks! So glad you liked the interview

  2. Oooooohhhhhhh, HAPPY RELEASE DAY, CHRISTINE! *Hi Heather*

    1. Hi Christina, thanks for dropping by to wish her a happy release day!

  3. thanks for the great interview : ) and yay!!! happy book birthday lacrimosa!!!

    1. You're welcome Alicia! Thank you for the birthday wishes to Christine. :)

  4. What a gorgeous interview and Happy Release Day!

  5. Great interview, and happy birthday to Lacrimosa! That is exciting.

  6. Great interview! I think I already like him!! :)

  7. Ooo, I wanted to get this book before, but now I really want to win!


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