Tuesday Writing Tip & Giveaway

Today for for the Channeler's Choice tour I'm over at author Laura Pauling's blog where I'm giving away two eBook copies of Born Of Fire so be sure to stop by and enter! Scroll down to the bottom of the post for the Born Of Fire giveaway entry. Author Karen Amanda Hooper is also giving me a shout out on her blog and I hope you'll stop by there and say hi as well. 

Atmosphere can make your novel exceptional or it can make it forgettable. How much you put in depends on what kind of reading experience you want your readers to have. A little can go a long way, as is often the case in some genre fiction, or more may be necessary, such as with fantasy or literary fiction. To be well informed in what is common for your genre you need to be well read in your genre. Of course you can always be original, but beware that such a tactic must be done exceptionally well to be well received.

Writing Tip: Beware of the atmosphere you’re setting in your novel. For a richer atmosphere call upon the five senses in your descriptions, for a lighter one draw more upon dialogue.

Do you have any writing tips for me this week?


  1. Heather, this is great. I love the concept of atmosphere. Making us aware of our five senses = intense. Writing tip? Do it!

  2. Great tip about atmosphere. Really enjoyed BORN OF FIRE. :)

    A tip I'm trying to imply is "don't hold back." I would rather have to scale the emotion back in a revision than having to put more in. Let your character go all out. :)

    1. Thank you Karen, I'm glad you enjoyed Born of Fire!

      And I love your tip. That's the way I like to write too!

  3. Hopping over to Laura's. Haven't been there yet today. I'd love a copy of your book. The cover is beautiful!

  4. Awesome tip! I'm off to check out your posts. :D

  5. Atmosphere can be the make or break element in your story ... besides crackling dialogue! Thanks for visiting my blog today, Roland

  6. Good points! I think a nice balance of dialogue and description is usually called for. :D Hope the launch is going well!

    1. Balance is indeed the key. And thanks, the launch is going great. :)

  7. I think it's important to keep a balance with regards to atmosphere.

    You don't want to drown your reader in your atmosphere, so it's good to lighten and darken with changes in pacing. Still, it can't change too much or it will yank readers out of the story.

    1. That's a great way to put it Misha, so true!

  8. Thanks for the tip!
    Can I just repeat that I love that cover?
    I'll spread the word of your giveaway!
    And a writing tip? Um... don't write when you're sleepy because you'll have to nix everything later, lol.

    1. You certainly can, thank you. :) I'm so glad it's in print form now so it can sit on my bookshelf. LOL! Great tip. I've done that too many times/


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