Wednesday Writing Goal~New Chapter & Interview/Giveaway

Last week my writing goal was to finish the chapter I was working on and start another new one I need to add to my work in progress. And I made it! But just by the skin of my teeth. Wait, what exactly does that mean? Hmmm, I may have to Google that. How did all of you do on your goals for last week?

In side news, Giselle over at Xpresso Reads (one of my favorite review sites) has interviewed me and put together a lovely post for the Channeler's Choice blog tour. I love the header she made, it's GORGEOUS. Seriously, you have to click here even if only to see the header. But I hope you'll stick around to read the interview and leave me a comment over there because I'm giving away two copies of BORN OF FIRE to two people who comment at Xpresso Reads! :)


  1. Congrats on making your goal! I finished a first draft last week and now I'm pretty much ripping it to shreds.

    1. Yay Talli, congrats! I love that feeling of finishing a first draft. And then the tearing to shreds afterward as well. :)

  2. Good on you for finishing your goals. I've finished most of mine for last week. I hoped to finish my WiP revisions but got caught up in a few familial things so hoping to finish it by the end of this week and get it over to betas.

    1. You too Angela! Most is better than none. And family has to have it's time too. :)

  3. i didn't meet my goals for last week, but this week's a fresh start. :-)

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Shannon. But you're right, it's a new week and a new start!

  4. I finally finished my short story last week! Congrats on meeting your goal.

  5. I wrote a new chapter last week, too. Yay! Congrats on finishing yours. BTW, I dropped by and read the interview. You're right, that header is gorgeous, and it's a great interview, too!

    1. That's great Linda! And thanks for stopping by Giselle's place. :)

  6. Wow, no kidding! That header is definitely gorgeous! And congrats on finishing your chapter, even if it was by the skin of your teeth! My sister was visiting for a few days, so I finished a chapter just before she came. Hoping to get in some words today. :)


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