Puca Tour Day 4~Visiting Lorelei & Kristie

Today for the To Ride A Puca release tour celebration I'm over at author Lorelei Bell's blog and you'll find another excerpt on author Kristie Cook's blog. I hope you'll stop by to say hi and get a few extra entries into the contest. This week I’m giving away an eBook of BECOME by Ali Cross, a twist on a Norse tale that will leave you breathless, andRUNNING WIDE OPEN by Lisa Nowak, an adrenalin pumping ride with a hot tempered teen who loves car racing.  

The contest will be open until May 27th, the winner to be announced on the 28th. To Ride A Puca is available in eBook and hardback at B&NAmazonThe Book Depository and other retail sites.
To enter the giveaway, fill out the form below: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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