Tuesday Writing Tip~Summer Writing

Happy May! With all the activity of spring and summer it can be hard to get any writing done. But, you don't have to miss out on all the fun just to keep your word count up.

#WriteTip: Take a notebook with you and make a writing exercise out of your down time at the beach/lake/pool/whatever. You can write flash fiction (short fiction), record the five senses all around you, or people watch and record body language or conversation styles.

All of this will keep your creative juices flowing and help your writing. Another bonus tip is to drop in on Twitter where we do #wordwars all the time. Basically writing sprints where we check in on Twitter and report our progress with those participating. Just search for or use the hashtag #wordwar to see if anyone is up for one.

Also, don't miss the cover reveal for Susan Kaye Quinn's much anticipated Closed Hearts, the sequel to her fabulous debut novel Open Minds. Click here to check it out and leave her a comment!


  1. I've considered doing the wordwars thing, but I never seem to catch it. I think that would be a great motivator.

    1. I miss it most of the time too. But, if more of us jump on and ask then hopefully we'll have more time frames to work with. :)

  2. I love #wordwars, although I only did them the time we had them during the #writersroad chat. I have to start doing those more. Seem I work well under pressure lol
    I can't wait for summer and for vacation, when I can just sit down somewhere on the beach or in the forest and write. It sounds so...peaceful. Sigh.
    Ok, off to check out Susan's cover!

    1. Maybe we should do that again for the summer chats. Hmmm, that could be a great idea. Thanks!

  3. Great advice! I enjoy #wordwars, although I haven't done it recently. I also like #1k1hr which sets a target of 1000 words in 1 hour.

    1. Thanks for reminding me! I often catch the writers for #1k1hr. That's a good one!

  4. That's a great tip. And thanks for the heads-up on Susan's cover. I'm headed over now!

    1. You're welcome! Wait till you see it, you'll love it!

  5. Beach? Pool? What's that? Oh... yes. Happy May Day!
    Excellent writing tip.

    1. LOL! No kidding huh Karlene?! Hopefully you'll be with us beachside soon!


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