Wednesday Writing Goal~A Real Break

This time I mean it, seriously! I'm taking a break this week if it kills me. Okay maybe I won't go that far, but I will do my best to take a break. To Ride A Puca (*whispers:* It's been seen in the wild already in eBook format!) is launching on the 21st and I need to gather my witts (because they're scattered to the winds) and catch my breath before then.

You might have noticed that stunning sidebar button for the upcoming tour. Starting May 21st I'll be giving away some amazing signed books by fantastic authors so be sure not to miss it! You might also have noticed the new Contact button located on the bar above. Though it is set up for reviewers, anyone can fill it out if they'd like to get a hold of me for an interview, feature, or if they have a question.

I'm knocking out my reading goals like a champ. I finished Beautiful Demons by Sarra Cannon. Loved it! If there are any fans of The Secret Circle out there, you'll love Beautiful Demons (maybe even more!). Now I'm working on Catching Fire, book two in The Hunger Games series.

How about you, did you reach your goals last week? What are they for this week?


  1. Yes do take a break before your busy time. I've hosted a big blog hop for Children's Book Week and an interview with Kim Harrington today so I've had a lot of e-mail to read. Not gotten any writing done though I did last week. Hope to get some writing in toward the end of the week.

    1. You are always so busy, I don't know how you do it! Best of luck getting some writing time in. :)

  2. Yes, I met my goals last week. It's only Wednesday and I reached my goal for this week yesterday. Which means now I can start on next week's goals. :D

    1. Congratulations on meeting your goals! Wow, you are rocking the word count, awesome job!

  3. You deserve the break Heather!!! Take care of yourself and know the release will be a huge success!

    1. Aw, thank you. I hope your prediction is spot on! :)

  4. You definitely need this week as a break, Heather. Take it! Take it! The launch is going to be spectacular. And when people read Puca, the word of mouth is going to be spectacular, too (I absolutely believe this because I've been up close to this project) Relax, breathe deep, get ready! (p.s. I def want my own autographed copy of Puca!)

    1. I hope you're right Linda. This one means so much to me! And you're so sweet, thank you for all you've done to help bring this one to life.

  5. p.s. the 21st is a Monday. How about an interview on CSC?

  6. Take a break! :D You'll be all set for the tour in no time, so you definitely deserve it. Also, THANK YOU for the beautiful signed novella from you and Christine. It's GORGEOUS!

  7. You are one busy lady! No wonder you need a little break!

  8. For me, it's lots of revising and editing. Enjoy your break--you've been working so hard lately, you deserve it!

    1. Happy revising Lydia! I'll be jumping back into that after my break. And thanks hon! :)

  9. eeek.. Actually I didn't! Instead I rearranged a few scenes and deleted some. My writing goal tomorrow will be to rewrite 2 chapters, but no specific word count. And sometimes you need to take a break!

    1. So very true! It sounds like you made progress though so that's good. Best of luck on your goals!

  10. Very lovely blog! Well I think I got myself into the wrong one again. Just dropping by fellaz. Nice blog by the way.


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