Monday's Muse~Aiden Lookalike

Last week it took a very compelling picture to peel my eyes off my cover, so I had to pull out the big guns with this one. This is an inspiration for my main character's love interest, Aiden. Just an inspiration mind you, so please feel free to develop your own mental picture when (if) you read The Secret of Spruce Knoll. My vision of Aiden isn't exactly like this hot fella anyhow, but it was definitely close enough. ;) I'm editing the second book and this picture kept me uh... focused amidst all the chaos of organizing a blog tour, ordering swag, and getting ready for my launch (smoothes back remaining hair…).

Since we missed a week (and sorry, we'll miss another since I have an announcement this Wednesday), tell me how you all did on your Wednesday Write Goals! And share new ones! That way if you need to give your muse a little kick in the pants this week you'll have help from me and my peeps! Despite my muse being totally scatter brained, I reached my editing goal! I'd love to get another fifty pages edited by our next Wednesday Write Goal check-in (August 10th I think). How about you peeps? Any goals? What inspired you last week?


  1. Wow, that is some inspiration, Heather! I can't wait for your launch of Spruce Knoll :-))) Okay, true confessions time. What inspires me better than anything else? FEAR. Knowing I'm going to a conference and meeting with agents and editors definitely puts my butt in the chair and keeps me editing and developing ideas. I don't want to get there with a blank page to hand them!

  2. That is definitely something to be inspired about! Cute hot guy. And, actually today I heard that older women can now covet the younger men. Us married older women will just look.

    What inspires me? Dreams. Dreaming of what could be. What will be. My mind starts to wander and brainstorm, and then I create steps to make it happen. Last week? The decision to follow in your footsteps and get published!

  3. What inspires me? The soupy vision I have in my head of what I want my WIP to be like. The hard part is writing to fit that ideal.

  4. Nope. My Muse is kicking ME in the pants, lately.

    How wonderful to see your book cover up there on your header. That's terrific, Heather!

  5. Being a guy, I love the cover to SPRUCE KNOLL. LOL. Wish you the highest of sales! Roland

  6. what a hottie! I'm slowly but surely working through the revisions from beta reader feedback. Hoping to be ready to query soon!

  7. Nice. I love pulling pics just for my personal use in imagining my characters. It's like a fun little treat for me. He he.

  8. Linda, oh that's a great one! It definitely inspires me too.

    Karlene, lol! He is a cutey isn't he? Dreams are inspiring and you and I are making ours come true. :)

  9. Lydia, I know what you mean! Let it simmer. Any soup is better if you let it simmer. :)

    Lorelei, thank you! It still takes my breath away. Sounds like you need a whip for the muse of yours. ;)

  10. Roland, I love to hear that! Thank you!!!

    Creepy QG, best of luck on jumping in the querying pool! My fingers are crossed for you.

    Lisa, exactly! It is so much fun!

  11. Wow, you lost me after I saw his abs. Wow!

  12. Yum.
    Okay, writing goals are to rewrite one chapter every day of this month until my MS is complete. (It has been revised endlessly, but after reading again, I realized it needs a whole rewrite from scratch-sigh).

  13. Well hello, inspiring indeed!

    I'm writing flat out at the moment -- should have another 15K by next Wednesday, if all goes well.

  14. That is one handsome muse! I can't wait to read it!! And what has inspired me has been Claire de Lune. I can't stop listening to it and it has certainly helped me to clear my mind for writing :)

  15. Vacation is inspiring right now. I've promised myself I'll finish a first editing pass on my WIP before I leave. Failure looms on the horizon!

    Oh, and nice pic. ;)

  16. Stina, lol! I know huh?!

    Christa, wow that is a great goal! You can do it! I'll be cheering you on.

    Amie, whoo! You go girl, another 15k. I hope you check back in with us on Wednesday!

  17. Janine, thank you! And that's an excellent book, good choice to fuel your muse.

    VR, hang in there, you can do it, or at least get close!

  18. Wow, that's a great picture! Reading your book will definitely be a pleasure.

    Amie, good luck on your 15K goal!

  19. Lots of exciting happenings in your life lately.... how wonderful!

    We have your MC's love interest name in common. My mc in my current novel is Aidan as well but with this spelling. Great minds....

  20. Lin, thank you hon! :-)

    Michael, yes indeed, exciting! That's awesome that our characters share the same name. Great minds think alike. :)


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