Wednesday Writing Goals And Last Tour Stop

Well I didn't reach page 189 on my editing because I found myself writing yet another new chapter! That makes four new chapters total, and in random places throughout my manuscript. *sigh* I can't complain though, it is deepening both the characters and the plot and making the entire novel better overall. That alone is worth the extra time it is taking me. I have until January when I plan to send it off to my editor so there is no rush, which is always a good way to revise. Rushing never leads to anything good!

My new goal for the week is to get this final new chapter done (oh please let it be the last new one!) and reach 200 pages on editing by next Wednesday. It's a lofty goal I know, but I have a lot of ground to make up. And with the Tour Of Secrets ending today I should have a bit of free time on my hands. Speaking of which, today is the last day to enter the massive giveaway for the Tour Of Secrets. Drop in on the last stop of the tour at the fantastic Readergirls book blog then come back here to enter (not on this post but here). I love these ladies, they are so incredibly supportive and they review the BEST books. If you aren't following them, you need to be. The winners of the Tour Of Secrets contest will be announced next Wednesday but today is the last day to enter!

How did you do on your writing goals for the last two weeks? Have any new ones to share that you'd like me and my readers to help you stick to? Remember to check in on Twitter with me under the hashtag #writegoal at any time and I'll be happy to throw some encouragement your way!


  1. I feel at least one new chapter coming on. I'm in the beta phase, so getting feedback that I plan to start implementing sometime next week!

  2. It's always fun to revise, well I think so anyway. It's amazing to watch a story take shape and reform. I edited 50 pages yesterday, but have been slacking all week with a cold. Good luck on meeting your goal. :)

  3. It can be annoying when a new chapter appears out of nowhere, even when you know it'll make the story better. You wonder why it didn't show up first time round :-)

  4. Anne, that is such a fun phase! Best of luck on the oncoming chapter and your upcoming revisions!

    Laila, I do too! I LOVE revising, it's my favorite part of the process. Editing 50 pages is great progress!

    Sarah, it definitely can! LOL!

  5. You must go where your muse leads. I wish you all the success in the world with THE SECRET OF SPRUCE KNOLL. Roland

    Laila, hope you get better soon, Me again

  6. I got some writing done today, which helped push me closer to my targeted word count, and I'm about to start a major scene in my WIP--I'm excited to get to that part!

  7. Roland, indeed we must! Thank you so much, you are so sweet. :-)

    Golden Eagle, excellent, good for you!

  8. Hello, fellow campaigner! I'm not in your group, but I still wanted to check out your blog and say, "HI!"

    Done good on my goals. I'm not as far along as I'd like to be, but that means what I've done so far is good quality. :)

  9. David, thanks for stopping b. All groups are welcome! It's nice to meet you. Quality is better than quantity, good for you!

  10. Well, you know that the book will be that much better, whatever you have added. (;

  11. Thanks for letting me know about #writegoal. I was doing great until I started all this campaign stuff. Trying to get my balance again. Plus I'm nearing the end of the WIP and I always slow way down as I approach the finsish line.

    I love the Tour of Secrets girls, too.

  12. Heather, "sigh" yes. I didn't finish my editing goal. Editing. I still have to input my edits. But, all things come with time. I'm off to visit the last of the tour blogs. I've met so many new people and signed up to follow so many new blogs. It's been a fantastic ride! Thank you!!!

  13. My silly goal is to get back to writing after vacation!

  14. Lorelei, ah thank you!

    Angelina, me too, on all counts! Something about the end always slows me down. I think I like to savor it. :)

    Karlene, thank YOU for coming along for the ride! No worries on your editing goals, you have a good excuse. We'll have you ready to go by October!

    Lydia, sounds like a good goal to me!

  15. My goal is to get back to editing the first draft of one WIP and finish the outline for the other. Time to crack that whip! Good luck with your edits. :-)

  16. Sounds like your doing great, Heather! The deepening and development that come from those new chapters will be brilliant, I just know it, and I can tell that's how you feel. Your instincts are taking you where you need to go. My editing is going way slower than I would like, which is standard (sigh is right). But I'm excited, working through final edits now from my editor and looking forward to blowing a kiss to accompany the ms. as I submit requested partials (by end of month I hope).

  17. Ack! My writing goals are all out of whack! Must get more organized! :-)

  18. I had another epiphany about the character I was having trouble with. I think it did the trick! But I'm going through one more time to make sure... Thanks for the encouragement.

  19. Linda, it's going excellent so far. You can do it! I'm cheering for you!

    Shannon, mine too. I blame summer since it's no longer here to defend itself.

    Lisa, yay for epiphanies! You're welcome, anything I can do to help. :)

  20. Good for you, for adding in so much new content! My first drafts tend to be too thin, so I've always got to add stuff in. It's kind of frustrating, but always necessary, so kudos! As for me, my editing goal to have my WIP revised by October 30th just went out the window when I realized I need to remove a viewpoint character and leave it at just the one. Sucks to have to redo all of that, but for something that's going to have such a positive impact on the end product, I'm not too upset about it.

    Becca @ The Bookshelf Muse

  21. Becca, good for you for realizing what needed to be done to your ms! That's half the battle.


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