Monday's Muse~Tall Trees

This picture that I took while at a writer's retreat in Big Sur inspired me last week for a new chapter that I'm putting into the novel I'm working on. The idea for the chapter struck me while I was on a walk~ironically in a place where there are no trees for miles. It's one of those chapters that is integral to one of my character's development, a chapter that the novel could not do without, and it wasn't in the first draft, or the second, or third, heck all the way to the sixth draft.

Such late revelations by our muses are why I think it's so important to give your novel time to develop. Though there is plenty of desire, there is no need to rush the process and be in a hurry to get it out there. I'm glad this one has had time to simmer and grow stronger. It's starting to feel like it will be outstanding when I'm done (fingers crossed).

On a side note, today is the launch of my Tour Of Secrets to celebrate the upcoming debut of my YA urban fantasy, The Secret of Spruce Knoll (which should be available everywhere August 15th). To visit the first stop along the tour (and rack up your first point/entry for the giveaway) click here. Over the weekend I made a few other fun stops as well. On Dark Faerie Tales yesterday I participated in Fantastic Fables. Be sure to check it out to get a special sneak peak at a short story based on the love interest of my main character from The Secret of Spruce Knoll, and to enter to win a copy of the novel (this is a separate giveaway from my tour)! Then check out my good friend and fabulous author Judith Graves' site where she did an exclusive first interview with me.


  1. Awesome! I love that pic, I can see why it's inspiring. My head is spinning from SCBWI LA right now.

  2. Heather, I love trees! The energy is amazing. And this couldn't be a better Muse.

    Something mystical is happening here. Have a beautiful day! A great success with the launching of your book. All the success in the world is coming your way!

  3. Fantastic, Heather! And so wise, to recognize a pivotal character development chapter at a later stage! You are right, simmering brings out the flavor.

    So many congratulations on your book launch!!! It's going to be a huge success!!

  4. Great picture and true commentary. I'm always in such a big hurry, and never once did it work to my advantage. I'm finding myself in that situation again, with the wip I'm wanting to send to my agent.

  5. Lisa, I wish I could have been there with you!

    Karlene, me too! Thank you so much sweety.

  6. Linda, thank you a million times, thank you. :) And yes, simmering is so worth the time!

    Elle, me too. It's hard not to be in a hurry when we're so excited about our story!

  7. I like the picture! And good point--sometimes letting things sit in the back of your mind can help a lot later on.

    Congratulations on your book launch! :)

  8. Heather, how exciting to see this blog tour for your book. I commented at The Critique Sisters blog. Yay for you!

  9. Beautiful Picture.

    I have never been to BIg Sur and hope to someday... it certainly is awe inspiring...

    Off to check out your other interviews.... A great beginning...

  10. Golden Eagle, so true! And thank you!!!

    Lin, thank you hon, that's so sweet!

    Michael, Big Sur is lovely, kind of overcast since it's high on the California coast, but beautiful!

  11. Heather, congratulations on having "Secret" out there in the world (almost!) I love, love the cover -- very spooky and very attractive. Did Abbott Press designers do it for you? All the best!

  12. Woohoo on the book tour launch. How exciting!

    And you're absolutely right about giving our muses time. That's exactly why I can't release a book every couple of months, like some people can. I know there's more to the story than my first draft or two (or three or four) has uncovered. But it's often not until then that my writer's mind is ready to accept the rest.

  13. Sanas, they did! I'm so happy with what they came up with. And thank you for the congrats!

    Kristie, your books are outstanding! It shows how much care you put into them. We could all learn from that. :)

  14. LOL I have a similar idea for my photography post next Monday. It's amazing how photography (and a walk in the woods or wherever) can give the old muse a kick in the butt. :D

  15. What a gorgeous picture. The first sequoia I ever saw was incredibly awe-inspiring. Congrats on your super tour!

  16. Don't you wish you could be surrounded by those things all the time? They are such a good reminder about how small we are in the world.

  17. Stina, it really is! Pictures are a huge inspiration to me.

    Lydida, thank you, on both counts!

    Christa, I really do! I used to live in the forest and now I live in the high desert. I miss it so much!

  18. I love the picture and your inspiration! I'm actually planning on going to Big Sur soon, too. Was it really as awesome as I've heard?


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