Tour Of Secrets Stop~Amie Kaufman

Today I'm visiting Australia~well virtually at least~to stop by my good writer friend Amie Kaufman's blog. Amie writes sci-fi, fantasy, and is represented by Tracey Adams. On top of that she's incredibly sweet and supportive, and has a killer blog. Today she asks me to a reveal a secret about something I did that I wish I hadn't. Hope to see you there!


  1. Sarah, Talli, and J.C., thanks for dropping by ladies!

  2. Hmmm, well, I do get what you mean - it must be awful to feel as though you've hurt this girl's feelings or dampened her spirit as a writer, but... Sigh. I hate to say it, but she should've been more honest about what she was looking for. You were only doing as asked, after all, and you can't be expected to read minds. IMHO, you weren't, by your own admission, mean or abrasive in your criticisms, and therefore you don't really have anything to feel guilty about.

  3. I am on my way!! I love the secrets and following all these new blogs! Have a beautiful day!


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